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The thought and inspiration obtained——about Oli Royce

After listening to a presentation about future career, I got a lot of thinking. This is a presentation that I find very interesting. The reason why it attracts me is that it tells us the attitude when looking for a job and some ideas about career in the future, which is very attractive for my current stage. The whole presentation mentions a lot of points that can be deeply thought about. Next, I will write three parts that I like very much.

The first one is the attitude towards finding a job. For many Chinese students, we have escape psychology and fear about finding a job. This is because, first of all, there is a mismatch between the high demand for jobs in the domestic environment and the number of people required by the market. This unbalanced supply and demand relationship directly leads to the competitive pressure of finding a job in China, and many students are afraid to face such pressure. Secondly, the employment guidance is not enough during the university, and many students lack the right attitude towards job hunting. As a result of that,  many students have a fear of job hunting. At the same time, this mentality does not promote students' enthusiasm for finding jobs, but makes them more resistant to finding jobs. Finally, family pressure. China's one-child system makes many families go to great lengths to raise a child, and it also puts pressure on families when they are unable to find the job they want and have a psychological gap. However, through this presentation, I have changed my attitude towards job hunting. In the past, I used to be afraid of job hunting, because when people mentioned job hunting, they would think of various complicated job hunting apps or job hunting methods, but few people told me not to be influenced by so many complicated information, and job hunting methods were not the most important. The important thing is to take action, actively try to send out resumes and interviews, take advantage of different opportunities, and try to get results.

The second is the proper use of social media. With the rapid development of social media, more and more enterprises or original authors use social media to display their works, gaining more attention and popularity. Perhaps, we can also try this practice, no matter what kind of work in the future, we can try to publish their work on social media. This is a chance to find like-minded friends, but also to let their work be seen by more people. The future is unpredictable, and perhaps an ordinary work can become an opportunity for the original to change their own destiny.

Finally, adhere to their own design style and design principles. Their works are another form of resume, representing their own ideas and past knowledge accumulation, from their own works can be interpreted into their own heart, so it is important to maintain the characteristics of their own works. The personal style of your original work may be the point that makes others remember you on social media. Sticking to our own design style will greatly help us develop on social media.

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